Saturday, 16 May 2020

Excess Sugar Consumption: 12 Reasons to Quit Sugar!

Excess Sugar Consumption: 12 Reasons to Quit Sugar!

Sugar is sweet, but Too much of it can Sour your Health.

It is a well-known fact that excess sugar consumption is definitely bad for you in more ways than one can count. However, most of us still continue to do it regardless of the health implications.

The reason is that we’re surrounded by sugar and sugary food items all around us. All our meals, especially our breakfasts, contain copious amounts of sugar that cannot be overlooked.

Fruit juices, energy drinks, coke, breakfast cereal, candy, sweetened dairy, baked goods, coffee, milkshakes, and desserts are laden with sugars up to the brim and we continue consuming them anyway. Even bread and ketchup make it to the list.

As per the American Heart Association, the regular intake of sugar must not exceed 6 and 9 tablespoons in women and men respectively. Despite that, an average American consumes 20 teaspoons of added sugars per day! That’s quite an amount!

1. Unhealthy weight gain:

Rates of obesity are rising worldwide and added sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, is thought to be one of the main culprits.

Sugar-sweetened drinks like sodas, juices and sweet teas are loaded with fructose, a type of simple sugar.

Consuming fructose increases your hunger and desire for food more than glucose, the main type of sugar found in starchy foods .

Additionally, excessive fructose consumption may cause resistance to leptin, an important hormone that regulates hunger and tells your body to stop eating.

In other words, sugary beverages don’t curb your hunger, making it easy to quickly consume a high number of liquid calories. This can lead to weight gain.

Research has consistently shown that people who drink sugary beverages, such as soda and juice, weigh more than people who don't .

Also, drinking a lot of sugar-sweetened beverages is linked to an increased amount of visceral fat, a kind of deep belly fat associated with conditions like diabetes and heart disease.

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2. Fatty liver disorder:

Excess of stored glucose in your liver , can lead to straining your liver more than it can bear. Glucose is broken down almost immediately to give you that sudden surge of energy.

But when consumed more than you need, it is stored in the form of glycogen in the liver which may result in fat deposition in the liver in the long run. Fructose is also stored in the liver contributing to fatty liver disorder in due course of time.

In fact, fructose is the only sugar that your liver exclusively breaks down by itself. Consuming more fructose than our body needs is eventually bound to cause liver disorders. This condition is also termed as ’non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.’

3.Harm: Heart Disease:

 If you eat so much sugar , one study found that you’re more than twice as likely to die from heart disease than someone who gets less than half as much. It’s not clear why. It could be that the extra sugar raises your blood pressure or releases more fats into the bloodstream. Both can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other heart diseases.

4.Diabetes :

Sugary drinks in particular can boost your odds for type 2 diabetes. That can happen because when sugar stays in your blood, your body may react by making less of the hormone insulin, which converts the food you eat into energy. Or the insulin doesn’t work as well. If you’re overweight, dropping even 10-15 pounds can help you manage your blood sugar.

5.High Blood Pressure :

Usually, salt gets the blame for this condition, also called hypertension. But some researchers say another white crystal -- sugar -- may be a more worrisome culprit.  One way they believe sugar raises blood pressure is by making your insulin levels spike too high. That can make your blood vessels less flexible and cause your kidneys to hold onto water and sodium.

6.High Cholesterol :

Sugary diets are bad for your heart, regardless of how much you weigh. They can:

Raise your so-called "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and lower the "good" (HDL) kind.
Increase  blood fats called triglycerides and hinder the work of an enzyme that breaks them down.

7.Cavities :

You know sugar rots your teeth. How? It feeds the bacteria in your mouth, which leave behind acid that wears away your tooth enamel. Sugary drinks, dried fruits, candy, and chocolate are common offenders. Sour candies are among the worst. They’re almost as acidic as battery acid! If you eat tart treats, rinse your mouth with water afterward or drink some milk to neutralize the acid.

8.Poor Sleep :

Too much sugar during the day can mess with your blood glucose levels and cause energy spikes and crashes. You may struggle to stay awake at work or doze off in class at school. In the evenings, a bowl of ice cream or cookies can pump you with sugar that can wake you up at night. It also can cut short the time you’re in deep sleep. So you may not wake up feeling refreshed.  

9. Mood Problems :

Feeling down? Your sweet tooth may be part of the problem. Several studies have linked sugar and mental health problems. One of the latest showed that men who ate more than 66 grams of sugar a day -- almost double what’s recommended -- were 23% more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety or depression than men who ate 40 grams or less. Too much sugar could fuel depression through swelling, or inflammation, in your brain, which is more common in people with depression.

10. Gout : 

You may know that you can get this painful arthritis from eating too much red meat, organ meats, and lobster. The same goes for fructose. When your body breaks it down, it releases a chemical called purines. That can make uric acid build up in your blood, which in turn forms hard crystals in your big toe, knees, and other joints.

11. Kidney Stones :

You get these when chemicals in your pee turn into solid crystals. Your body flushes out some kidney stones without much pain. Others can get stuck in your kidney or another part of your plumbing and block urine flow. Too much fructose -- from table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or processed foods -- raises your chances for kidney stones.

12. Aging :

Sugary drinks may add years to your biological age. DNA called telomeres cap the end of your chromosomes to protect them from damage. Longer is better. Shortened telomeres may go hand in hand with age-related diseases like diabetes. One study found that people who drink 20 ounces of soda a day have shorter telomeres. Researchers figure that’s like adding more than 4 years to the age of your cells.

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